Trying to Heal from a Bad Church Experience?

Many people believe that the wounds from bad religious experiences will naturally fade over time. Or that finding a healthier church will be enough to heal. Or leaving the church entirely.

Then they wonder why they struggle with overwhelming emotions, indecision, cynicism, or self-doubt.

Religious trauma is tricky to heal from because it affects our core beliefs about self-worth, love, belonging, and our very existence.

But you don’t have to numb the pain of your church trauma for the rest of your life. There are ways to move forward. You can find emotional stability, clarity, community, and build a life of purpose and meaning.

I’m passionate about helping people move forward from their religious trauma because I spent YEARS reeling from my own toxic church experience.

I would blow up at family and friends, had chronic fatigue, and would get triggered in religious spaces and at social events.

I felt betrayed by God (and guilty for feeling betrayed). I wondered if my whole life had been a waste. And I worried that I would live the rest of my life disconnected from the clarity, confidence, and connectedness I had once felt.

I ended up getting a Master’s degree in theology, doing 4 rounds of therapy, going in and out of various churches, conversing with many others about their church hurt, getting certified as life coach, and reading every book on healing I could get my hands on. 

Ultimately, I realized that there are 4 core components needed to move forward from church trauma.

The implementation will look different for each person in their unique journey, but without these core elements, we stay stuck.

[Opt in to the FREE training to learn more.]

Confusing religious experiences can cause deep turmoil . . . but the story doesn’t have to end there.

Click the button below to opt in to the free training to Learn More about the intricate process of MOVING FORWARD from religious trauma.

(We are often taught in unhealthy religious spaces that it is WRONG to prioritize ourselves. But what if pursuing your own healing and growth is the best thing you could do for everyone around you, too?

And what if you are worth every bit of attention you choose to show yourself? What if being generous or good doesn’t have to mean making yourself small?)

In This Training You Will Learn:

What you should NEVER do after leaving a controlling religious community

A 10-second grounding exercise you can use to calm yourself in any triggering situation

Why traditional talk therapy often isn't enough to heal from religious wounds

Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I’m a spiritual abuse survivor with a Master’s in Divinity and over 12 years of ministry experience who helps people move forward from damaging religious experiences. I am a biracial, tenderhearted healer who actively wrestles with deep questions and explores the beauties and possibilities of life.

Watch the Free Video to Learn More about my story.

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